Would you like to help us?

Become a member of El Trampolí!

Your contributionhelps us to continue our projects aimed at improving the quality of life of people with mental disabilities.

Collaborating with El Trampolí has tax benefits: deduction on personal income tax and corporate tax, in accordance with current regulations.**)

Fill out the form and we will contact you.

9 + 14 =

Thank you very much for your collaboration!

If you have any doubts, questions or suggestions, we would be very happy to talk to you.

Call us! 972 640 148

If you would like to support El Trampolí by making a one-time donation, you may donate online.

**) The Trampolí is an entity registered in the Register of Foundations with number 17-0057.
All individuals who make a donation to the entity can deduct from their taxable income (IRPF) the following: (1) For the first € 150: 50%, (2) For the rest of the donation: 27.5% (but, if in the two previous immediate tax periods, you had made donations to this same entity for a similar amount this could become 32.5%). The applied deduction may not exceed 10% of the taxpayer’s taxable income in the period.
A tax certificate will be issued on request.

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